Syracuse University Scholarships

Syracuse University Scholarships

New York Scholarships

Established in 1870, Syracuse University is a private research university located in the heart of Central New York. Continuing to grow their academic departments and program selection, the students at Syracuse University can choose from over 300 undergraduate programs and 200 graduate programs.

Located in Syracuse, New York, this private research university has over 30 advanced research facilities for students who are interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Fields. Supporting over 20,000 students world-wide, Syracuse University is a place where talented students get challenged more to become the best that they could be.

In addition to its huge selection of courses and high-tech facilities, Syracuse University offers great scholarships to is incoming students. Having a motto: Knowledge crowns those who seek her, Syracuse University highly encourages their students in the pursuit of knowledge by providing many full-ride scholarships.

Types of Scholarships Offered at Syracuse University

For scholarships with high-values, all important information will be included underneath that scholarship; however, to save time, only eligibility requirements and the scholarship value will be included for low-value scholarships.

1. Merit-Based Scholarships

Many of these scholarships down below offer great information but, for students who are really interested, they want to know all about the scholarship that they have set their mind to. So if you have any lingering questions, don’t hesitate to go to the Syracuse University Website to figure out the specific details.

A. Syracuse University Coronat Scholars

Since this scholarship is funded by Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Science, there is an underlying assumption that the applicant needs to be interested in one of the following fields: natural sciences, mathematics, humanities, or social sciences. However, this might not be the case, but it is highly probable so make sure to ask the university if you have any questions.

Scholarship Values:

  1. Full Tuition for Four Years*
  2. Full Funding for One Study Abroad International Study Opportunity
  3. Stipend for Summer Research or Internship
  4. Admissions into Syracuse University Honors Program
  5. Mentoring for Prominent National Scholarships**

*Since this is a renewable scholarship, the scholarship recipient needs to meet the Coronat Scholars Renewal Criteria in order to receive the benefits for each year.

**National scholarships include Rhodes, Marshall, Fullbright, Truman, and More!

Even though the Coronat Scholars have maintained a strong academic record, Syracuse University does not have specific requirements regarding academic achievements. Since this is a highly competitive scholarship, the applicants still need to have an outstanding academic record regardless.

Also, academic achievements are not the only thing that Syracuse University is looking for since extracurricular activities and leadership skills also count. If you want specific details of Coronat Scholar’s academic achievements and renewal requirements, please visit the link down below.

For further information, visit Syracuse University Coronat Scholars.

B. Syracuse University Academic Merit Scholarships

Even though Syracuse University does not list specific requirements for academic achievements, it lists specific fields that the Scholarship Committee will be looking for. To be considered for this scholarship, the following factors will be be reviewed:

  1. Academic Achievements
  2. Scored on Standardized Tests
  3. Class Rank*
  4. Portfolio or Audition Results (If Relevant)
  5. Extracurricular Activities
  6. Citizenship and Character

*If your school does not rank students, then academic standards such as your GPA will be considered instead.

Scholarship Value: Partial or Full Tuition (Varies by Student)

This is an automatic scholarship so the applicant just needs to apply for Syracuse Admissions Scholarships. After applying for admissions, all prospective students will be considered for this scholarship.

For more information, view Syracuse University Academic Merit Scholarships.

C. Syracuse University Remembrance Scholarship

In order to honor the memories of the SU students, Syracuse University established this scholarship to remember its students killed in the Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988. To be considered for this scholarship, the applicant needs to show the following merits:

  1. Show Outstanding Academic Achievement
  2. Demonstrate Citizenship
  3. Involved in Community Service

Scholarship Value: $5,000 Per Year

For further information, visit Syracuse University Remembrance Scholarship.

D. Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship Scholarship

Sponsored by one of the Syracuse University’s departments, the Maxwell School of Citizen Scholarships invites all incoming freshmen to compete for this scholarship.

Scholarship Value: $2,000 ~ $5,000 Per Year

For more information, view Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship Scholarship.

E. Syracuse University NACME Program Grant

NACME stands for Syracuse University’s National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Program Grant. Yes, it is a mouthful, and there are more to that. To be considered for this grant, the following eligibility requirements must be met:

  1. Admitted to the SU College of Engineering and Computer Science
  2. Demonstrate Financial Need*
  3. Be an African American, Native American, or Latino**

*In order for Syracuse University to know the demonstrated financial need, the applicant needs to file for financial aid (FAFSA or CSS Profile)

**These groups have been defined by NACME with the minority status

Scholarship Value: $1,000

For further information, visit Syracuse University NACME Program Grant.

F. Syracuse University Athletic Grants

Established for prospective students who are athletes, Syracuse University offers athletic grants that vary in their values. Since it is the athletic department that is offering these scholarships, the applicants need to contact the department directly in order to apply for these scholarships

For more information, view Syracuse University Athletic Grants.

For some scholarships, there is no eligibility requirements or the scholarship values mentioned underneath since either the scholarship was missing the eligibility requirements / scholarship value or both! However, if you want to still check the scholarships, please visit each section by clicking on the link.

Sometimes, the scholarship’s name explains itself; however, for scholarships that are confusing at first look, an additional eligibility requirement is included.

G. Syracuse University Our Time Has Come Scholarships

H. Syracuse University Phanstiel Scholarships Program (Automatic Scholarship)

I. Syracuse University Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships

J. Syracuse University Refugee Scholarship

K. Syracuse University Scholarship in Action Merit Scholarship (Current Students)

L. Syracuse University United Methodist Scholarships

M. Syracuse University Visual and Performing Arts Scholarships

2. Need-Based Scholarships

A lot of merit-based scholarships have been named, but some of the merit-based scholarships do require a financial aid form as well. Technically, the scholarship down below is mainly merit-based since it is limited to a specific group; however, I have included this scholarship under need-based since it required financial aid forms such as the FAFSA and CSS Profile.

A. Syracuse University Haudenosaunee Scholarships

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Be Admitted to Syracuse University as an Incoming Freshmen or a Transfer Student
  2. Be a Certified Citizen of One of the Following Historic Haudenosaunee Nations:
    • Mohawk
    • Oneida
    • Onondaga
    • Cayuga
    • Seneca
    • Tuscarora
  3. Resided in One of the Haudenosaunee Nation Territories* for a Minimum of Four Years Before Enrolling at Syracuse University
  4. Be a First-Time** Undergraduate Student
  5. File for Financial Aid***

*Eligible Haudenosaunee Territories: Akwesasne Mohawk, Allegany Seneca, Cattaraugus Seneca, Cayuga, Ganienke Mohawk, Kahnawake Mohawk, Kanatsiohareke Mohawk, Kanesatake Mohawk, Niagara Falls Seneca, Oil Spring Seneca, Oneida, Oneida of the Thames (Ontario), Onondaga, Six Nations (Canada), Tonawanda Seneca, Tuscarora, Tyendinaga Mohawk, Oneida (Wisconsin)

**Be Studying for Your First Undergraduate Degree

***Submitting forms (FAFSA and/or CSS Profile) will probably be for need-based aids since this covers all your demonstrated financial need. Please ask the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.

Scholarship Value: Full Tuition + Mandatory Fees

Even though it requires need-based financial forms, the Haudenosaunee Scholarships require a separate scholarship application form, which is located in the link down below! Also, there is another option called Haudenosaunee Honor Scholarships for aspiring students, and the application form and the deadlines are also included in the link below.

For further information, visit Syracuse University Haudenosaunee Scholarships.

3. External Scholarships

Many of the scholarships down below are not offered purely by outside organizations; however, outside organizations partnered with Syracuse University to offer these great-value scholarships. Most private organizations are educative programs that just want to further the student’s opportunities by giving them a free college education.

In addition, there are scholarships with just their names, and I hope you can infer just from the title. If not, you can just visit the scholarship link down below to figure it out for yourself. Good luck, and I hope this helps!

A. NFTE Scholarships

NFTE means Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship, and this organization partnered with Syracuse University to award this full-ride scholarship. The underlying requirement for this scholarship is that the applicants be an alumnus of the NFTE program, which means the high school student took the NFTE program and graduated from this program.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
  2. File the FAFSA and CSS Profile for Financial Aid

Scholarship Value: Full Tuition + Mandatory Fees for Four Years

Although there are no academic standards listed by this scholarship, I would think the Scholarship Committee would be looking for the best applicant that fulfills these above requirements and show outstanding academic achievements. Just make sure that your admissions application can stand the scrutiny from the experience-hardened judges by doing your best.

For more information, view Syracuse University NFTE Scholarship.

B. Say Yes to Education

Say Yes to Education is a national, non-profit organization that was established for the urban youths, and it continues to encourage the higher education rates of urban youths by providing great scholarships to eligible students. There are three types of Say Yes to Education Programs, and they have different requirements and varying amounts.

Syracuse University’s Say Yes to Education Benefits:

  1. Full Tuition + Mandatory Fees
  2. Book Stipend

Syracuse University’s Say Yes to Education Buffalo Program Benefits:

  1. Full Tuition

Syracuse University’s Say Yes to Education Guilford Benefits:

  1. Full Tuition

All Say Yes to Education Programs require a financial need from their applicants. The first step to be considered for these programs is to fill out the FAFSA and CSS Profile to demonstrate your financial aid. Also, there are designated limits within the demonstrated financial need, so make sure to check the specifics in the link down below.

For further information, visit Say Yes to Education.

C. Junior Achievement Scholarships

In order to target students from local areas of Central New York, the Syracuse University and Junior Achievement (nonprofit institution) of Central New York worked in joint-cooperation to create this scholarship. JA (Junior Achievement) programs are used nation-wide by many classrooms and are taught by volunteers in local communities.

Since one of the requirement involves JA programs, the applicant needs to take the JA programs in his high school career. To be considered, prospective students need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Applied Through Junior Achievement of Central New York
  2. Have an Outstanding Academic Record
  3. Great Results in Junior Achievement Programs
  4. Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
  5. Personal Interview

Scholarship Value: Full Tuition

Just because it is a JA headquarters located in New York, this does not mean that only New York Residents can apply. Any student who is a US Citizen or Permanent Resident can apply as long as they apply through the Junior Achievement of Central New York Website.

For more information, view Syracuse University Junior Achievement Scholarship.

D. AmeriCorps Scholarships

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Be an Incoming Freshmen to Syracuse University
  2. Be a Participant of the AmeriCorps Program

Scholarship Value: Half Tuition

E. ROTC Scholarship

F. World Trade Center Matching Grant

Conclusion: More and More!

Syracuse University does not stop with its scholarships, but it continues to offer more financial aid options to prospective students. To applicants who still need financial aid, Syracuse University offers loans, work-study opportunities, special programs, and summer aid options.

Even though talented students are eligible for scholarships, the financial aid from scholarships may not be enough to pay for all your college expenses. If you want to earn a monthly allowance for your personal expenses, these options might be the best ones for you.

The Syracuse University lists all their financial aid options on its website, so make sure to visit Syracuse University Types of Aid.

For more helpful scholarship guides regarding various universities, please visit Authority Scholarships.