Swarthmore College Scholarships and Financial Aid

Swarthmore College Scholarships and Financial Aid

Pennsylvania Scholarships

Known as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country, the Swarthmore College doesn’t confine students by their majors; however, the students of Swarthmore College (Swatties) are encouraged to take any classes during their freshmen year since freshmen classes are all pass or fail.

Founded by Pensylvania Quakers, the Swarthmore College is surrounded by beautiful landscape and breath-taking scenery, which is filled with hiking trails and running courses. In addition, the education never gets even better than this, since the student to faculty ratio is 8:1.

Smaller student to faculty ratio means students get to interact with their professors in their classes, and the professors know each student by name. In big universities, a normal classroom is filled with hundreds of students at one time, so you might feel left out when sitting in those lectures.

Also, to encourage students to challenge themselves, there are honor programs that are offered at Swarthmore College, and it also offers scholarships to incoming students who show academic potential and leadership skills.

Types of Scholarships and Grants Offered by Swarthmore College

For students who are worried about leadership and public speaking, do not worry! Liberal arts classes are filled with presentations and group projects, so you have a lot of practice to hone your skills. Even it might not be the best speech ever, these classes will make you a decent speaker that will allow you to speak publicly even in large crowds.

A. Swarthmore College Scholarships

Having funded approximately $50 million to incoming students, the Swarthmore College awards students with this generous scholarship. I do not think there is a separate application required for this scholarship since Swarthmore College says the scholarship recipients will see whether or not that they received the scholarship by looking at their college bill.

Before you can receive any scholarship, you first need to be admitted to Swarthmore College, so make sure you put in your best in your admissions application when you sign up for Swarthmore College.

For further information, view the Swarthmore College Scholarship.

B. Swarthmore’s Philip Evans Scholars Program

Funded by generous donors of Swarthmore College, the Evans Scholarship Committee looks for students who have met the Swarthmore’s intensive academic standards and have the character to do right. There is no separate application required for this scholarship since all applicants to Swarthmore College will be considered.

Meeting all the demonstrated financial need* of the student and a stipend to buy a computer, the Philip Evans Scholarship also provides the student additional grant to use for study abroad experiences, professional internships, or research conferences.

In addition to these scholarship benefits, the Evan Philip Scholars receive rigorous training and mentoring sessions from renown professors of Swarthmore College.

*In order for Swarthmore College to award students based on demonstrated financial need, the US Citizen or Permanent Residents are required to file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as soon as possible.

For more information, visit the Swarthmore’s Philip Evans Program.

C. Swarthmore’s National and Regional McCabe Scholarship

To be considered for this scholarship, there is a general eligibility requirement that involves location, but, to be honest, you can be from anywhere. The following general requirements are listed by Swarthmore College:

  • Awards at least Two Students from the Delmarva Peninsula
  • Awards at least Two Students from Southeastern Pennsylvania
  • Awards at least Two Students from the rest of United States
  • Awards at least One International Student

So, no matter where you are from, you have the chance to receive a scholarship; however, some regions might be easier to get since it is specifically limited to a region unlike international students, which can amount to hundreds of countries.

The McCabe Scholarship Committee is looking for the following characteristics in a future McCabe Scholar:

  • Academic Achievements and Ability
  • Great Character and Personality*
  • Leadership Potential
  • Extracurricular Activities**

*Personality probably cannot be determined through the application, but it will be evident in the on-campus interview

**Extracurricular activities include involvement in school activities or participation in community service.

Covering full tuition, the McCabe Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship that does not require a separate application, and all applicants will be considered for this scholarship. Also, this scholarship fully covers the demonstrated financial need, which implies that students need to file the FAFSA (This does not apply to international students).

For further information, view the Swarthmore’s McCabe Scholars.

D. Swarthmore’s Lang Opportunity Scholarship Program

This scholarship program is not awarded to incoming students but to current students. It’s not likely that a current student of Swarthmore College would visit this website, but, for your information, this scholarship is awarded to sophomores of Swarthmore College.

For more information, visit the Lang Opportunity Scholarship Program.

E. Federal Pell Grants

Funded by the federal government, grants are similar to scholarships, in that you don’t have to repay the money after receiving the grant. The two requirements for this federal need-based aid are that you need to US Citizen or Permanent Resident and apply for FAFSA.

After completing the form, you are good to go!

Additional Options of Financial Aid

Scholarships are not the only options offers at Swarthmore College since there are additional options for financial aid available to incoming students.

Available to students who are in need of financial aid, you can apply for loans that are funded by the government or apply for loans for private companies. Before you sign up for any loans, make sure you have exhausted all other financial options, and, if you do choose the loan, read the guidelines and instructions carefully.

Also, the Swarthmore College has provided payment options to students who can pay but needs more time, so make sure to click on the link down below if you are interested in loans or payment options.

For further information, visit Swarthmore Financing Options & Loans.

Types of Work-Study Opportunities

In addition to scholarships and need-based aids, Swarthmore University offers many work-study opportunities to its incoming students.

1. Working as a Resident Assistant (RA)

Serving a key role in Swarthmore University, the Resident Assistant receives the highest amount since they are a vital member of the university. Because of the high amount of money being received, Resident Assistant sometimes receives a lower scholarship and financial aid.

However, that is always not the case, but it doesn’t hurt to check if your need-based aid is being reduced.

2. Working On-Campus

For students who are interested in a monthly allowance, applying for an on-campus job at Swarthmore College is not a bad idea. Since there are many jobs that are open to incoming freshmen students, Swarthmore College encourages students who are in need of financial aid to consider this option.

To see all the specific details regarding Working Opportunities and Off-Campus Living, please view Swarthmore’s Options.

If you have found this helpful, visit Authority Scholarship for more!