full ride scholarships in Australia

5 Full Ride Scholarships in Australia for International Students (2021)

Scholarships in Australia

The country of Australia is a large island that is surrounded at all sides by water, and due to its isolation from the rest of the world, this island country has harbored much wildlife and natural beauty that has been hidden for centuries and centuries.

If you talk about Australia, you will begin to picture the coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, and even more so, you will see the kangaroos and koalas frolicking around in natural harmony. Many tourists have flocked from all over the world to see these natural occurrences, and I want to jump in too!

As an international student, it is unlikely to have close bonds with nature and even more unlikely to see wildlife like those in Australia, but with full-ride scholarships in Australia for international students, you can fulfill two goals at once!

Can International Students Receive a Full-Ride Scholarship in Australia?

The answer is yes. The full-ride scholarships listed down below are open to international applicants, which means international students can apply and receive the scholarship for themselves. However, the application procedure and the eligibility requirements can be quite hard to go through.

What Is the Minimum Academic Requirement to Receive Full Funded in Australia?

Among the five full-ride scholarships listed here, some of them are for undergraduate programs, and others are for graduate programs. Because of their varying education levels, the minimum academic requirement will vary for each scholarship.

Because of its high competition, academic excellence is a must, and for basic knowledge, the academic requirement for undergraduate programs is a high school diploma while the minimum requirement for a graduate program is a bachelor’s degree.

Which University in Australia Offers the Highest Financial Aid to Internationals?

Surpassing all academic institutions in her country, the Australian Government offers the highest form of financial aid to international students. Even though the full-ride scholarships offered by Australian institutions are very generous, they couldn’t match this type of funding.

Australia Awards Scholarships, which is another name for Australian Government Scholarship, offers the highest financial benefit for international applicants, and this scholarship program is especially geared toward bringing talented foreigners into Australian soil.

Full Ride Scholarships in Australia for International Students

You might be wondering why we were bothering to answer these questions in the first place, and the reason is that we wanted to give you a basic knowledge about full-ride scholarships in Australia for international students. Without further ado, let’s jump straight into our first one!

1. University of Sydney Ph.D. Scholarship

  • Source – University of Sydney
  • Educational Level – Ph.D. Program (Discipline of Business Information Systems)
  • Scholarship Benefits – Generous Annual Stipend

The application process for this scholarship program is pretty simple, but as you can see, there is a strict academic requirement that has been put into place. Only prospective applicants who apply for a doctoral program in the discipline of Business Information Systems will be eligible.

If you apply through the University of Sydney Doctoral Admissions and select this specific discipline during the admissions process, you will be automatically considered for this scholarship, and you will not have to submit a separate scholarship application to become eligible.

  • Generous Stipend – $35,000 Per Year

Instead of listing tuition coverage or a stipend for room & board, this scholarship program will be given an annual stipend for its scholarship recipients. This can be a problem down in the road since we really don’t know how fast the money will run out.

If you are unsure about the financial coverage, make sure to contact the scholarship office at the University of Sydney for financial stability. Make sure to inquire about the scholarship amount to see if that amount is enough to cover the entirety of your doctoral fees.

2. Victoria University International Scholarships

  • Source – Victoria University
  • Educational Level – Undergraduate / Graduate
  • Scholarship Benefits – Tuition Fees, Living Stipend, Insurance

After clicking on the link above, scroll down to a section called International Government-Funded Scholarships, and you will see two full-ride scholarships offered by Victoria University. Be warned since there is a nationality restriction that is included in the eligibility requirement.

The first scholarship is only available to citizens of Kuwait while the second scholarship is available to only citizens of Saudia Arabia. If you don’t fit into either of these categories, then please move on to our next full-ride scholarship in Australia for international students.

  • Nationality Requirements – Kuwait or Saudi Arabia

When regarding the financial aspect of this scholarship, it is pretty straightforward in wording since the major expenses of your educational program are covered. Full tuition is covered, and room & board is covered through the monthly living stipend.

Insurance is a must when you go into a foreign country, so they did a good job in handling that fee, but you still need to be concerned about other things. Please remember that airplane tickets are not covered, so make sure to pay that out of your own pocket!

3. Australia Awards Scholarship

  • Source – Australian Government
  • Educational Level – Undergraduate / Graduate
  • Scholarship Benefits – Full Tuition, Travel Stipend, and Others

Since this is the most prestigious scholarship in Australia for international students, the eligibility requirements can be quite strict at times. To be eligible for this scholarship, you have to be a citizen of one of the participating countries.

For each country, there will be a list of academic requirements and eligibility criteria inside the online guideline packet. After reading it through, make sure to follow the application procedure listed there to submit a correct scholarship application.

  • Australian Awards Scholarship – Highest Form of Aid

As I have mentioned before, the Australia Awards Scholarship offers the highest form of aid to its scholarship recipients. Your tuition fees and room & board are definitely covered by this scholarship, and your fees that contain your international airplane tickets are covered by this program.

In addition, you will receive a one-time establishment stipend that can be used toward your personal expenses, and your health insurance will be covered throughout the rest of your academic program. You may also get a stipend for research, internships, and additional training.

4. Rotary Peace Fellowship at UQ

  • Source – University of Queensland
  • Educational Level – Master’s Program
  • Scholarship Benefits – Tuition, Room & Board, Travel Fares, Others

Rotary Peace Centers have been giving out scholarships to hundreds of international students over the years, and over the past decade, this scholarship program has split into two distinct categories, which are the Professional Certificate and Master’s Program.

Over the past few posts, we have talked much about Rotary Peace Fellowship due to its full-ride scholarship benefits. This scholarship program is given out by the University of Queensland, which is located in Brisbane, Australia.

  • Rotary Peace Fellowship – Offered in Various Countries

The financial benefits offered by this scholarship program are second to none due to its funding partners around the globe. Similar to our previous scholarship, Rotary Peace Fellowship has covered full tuition and all the expenses related to your accommodation and your food.

In addition, this scholarship program will be covering your international traveling fees, which are your airplane tickets to and from your native country. Last but not least, the financial coverage extends to any expenses incurred during your research studies and internship programs.

5. Northcote Presidential Scholarship

  • Source – Britain-Australia Society
  • Educational Level – Master’s / Ph.D.
  • Scholarship Benefits – Tuition, Room & Board, Other Fares

We have finally reached the end of our list that contains 5 full-ride scholarships in Australia for international students, and this scholarship program has a specific nationality requirement that each scholarship recipient must pass.

In order to be eligible for this scholarship, you have to be a resident in the United Kingdom or one of its dependencies or territories. If you don’t fit the eligibility requirement here, consider all the other full-ride scholarships in Australia listed above.

  • National Restriction – Resident in UK (Dependency or Territory)

Similar to all other scholarships, the Northcote Presidential Scholarship covers your tuition fees and your bills related to room & board. Last but not least, this scholarship program also covers your traveling expenses to and from your country, which is a form of an airplane ticket.

Northcote Presidential Scholarship will also cover any fees that are related to making your visa, and it will provide a generous living stipend that is given at the beginning of each semester. Make sure to use the money wisely since you might not get a second chance!

Conclusion: Small Amounts Matter!

As we get to know more about full-ride scholarships, we tend to forget that there are other scholarships that offer financial aid in smaller amounts. You might dismiss partial scholarships since they can’t cover your whole educational fee, but that is not a good mindset to have.

If you are a student who really want to secure funding for your education, you have to accept reality and realize that there is a high chance of not getting a full-ride scholarship. Don’t just wait for the scholarship results since there are plenty more scholarships that are open for application.

Do your part of the research, and don’t disregard scholarships that come in small amounts. In the long run, the small amounts tend to add up, and you’ll be surprised at the results. Due to its low financial amount, people tend to apply less for these types of scholarships.

In return, you get less competition and a higher chance of receiving that scholarship yourself. Remember this advice, and apply for any scholarship that you are eligible for. Thank you for reading this post, and please revisit our homepage for more content!